Development and Environmental Problems



Environment vs Development: Definition of Environment, Environmentalism; Environmental Protection Policy, Environmental Policy Instruments.

Theme 1: Environment vs Development

Key Issues Policy Frameworks Challenges and Opportunities Case Studies
·       Resource Depletion

·       Pollution

·       Climate Change

·       Biodiversity Loss

·       Social Equity


·       International Agreements

o   Paris Agreement on climate change

o   Convention on Biological Diversity

o   Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

·       National Policies

o   Environmental impact assessments (EIAs),

o   Pollution control standards

o   Natural re-source management plans

o   Renewable energy incentives

·       Market-Based Instruments

o   Carbon pricing

o   Tradable permits

o   Green taxes

·       Technological Innovation

·       Political Will and Governance

·       Financial Resources

·       Public Awareness and Engagement

UN backed report by intergovernmental platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services:

o   1 million species – Extinct

o   Urban areas – doubled since 1992

o   Fertilizer use- created – 400 ocean dead zones

o   Global population – reach 9.8 billion – 2050

·       Costa Rica: A Model for Sustainable Development – Extensive national parks, 100% electricity (renewable sources).

·       China: Rapid Development and Environmental Challenges

·       India: Struggles with Development and Environmental Protection

·       The European Union: Leading on Climate Action

·       EU’s Green Deal – Europe – first climate-neutral continent by 2050

Theme 2: Definition of Environment, Environmentalism

Significance of the Environment Environmental Problems Indian Environmental Movements Environmental Legislation & Constitutional Provisions

·       Environment: resources, planetary inheritance, biotic factors, abiotic factors, interaction.

Resource Provision

·       Renewable Resources – Forests (Timber), Fish (food)

·       Non-Renewable Resources – Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), minerals (gold, uranium).

Waste Assimilation

·       Wetlands filter pollutants


·       Aesthetic and Cultural Value

§  Eg: The Grand Canyon in the USA


·       Air Pollution – SO2, NOx and particulate matter Eg: Smog (urban area)

·       Water Pollution – Eg: Oil spills (oceans – harm marine life)

·       Noise Pollution – traffic, industries, and urban activities, Construction sites


·       Soil Degradation – Eg: Desertification – Sahel region (Africa)

·       Habitat Degradation – Urbanization, deforestation, pollution – Eg: Loss of tropical rainforests

Resource Depletion

The Chipko Movement

·       Mar 27, 1973 – villagers stopped loggers – cutting down trees

Survival vs. Leisure

·       West- keep places unpolluted (leisure)

·       India – necessity (survival)

Protests Against Environmental Degradation

·       Chhotanagpur and Gandhamardan (Orissa) – damage-bauxite mining.

·       Articles – 51A(g), 21, 38, 48A

National Legislation –

·       Elephant’s Preservation Act of 1879

·       Forest Act of 1927

·       Wild Life Protection Act 1971.

Theme 3: Environmental Protection Policy, Environmental Policy Instruments

Environmental Protection Policy Pollution-Related Acts Environmental Research Programme Other Environment related Acts
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

·       26 parts – four chapters

·       Response – Bhopal gas spill

·       Accordance – Art 253

·       Central powers

·       Coordinating protection

·       Planning execution

·       Setting standards

·       Restricting areas

·       Appointing officers

·       Establishing laboratories

·       Imposing penalties – 5 years imprisonment, ₹1 lakh fine, or both.

New Environmental Policy of India (2006)

·        Principles of NEP (2006): Sustainable development, precautionary approach, equity, legal liability.

Objectives of NEP (2006):

·        Conserve- Ecological systems, heritage.

·        Equitable access- Resources, especially for poor.

·        Judicious use- Resources for current and future needs.

·        Integration- Environment in policies, plans, projects.

·        Minimize resource use, impacts.

·        Transparency, accountability, participation.

·        Resource flows: Finance, technology, partnerships for conservation.

Tiwari Committee (1980)

·       Comprehensive National Environment Policy – NEP 2006

·       Integrated Approach

·       Regulatory Framework and Pollution Control

·       Polluter Pays Principle

·       Public Participation

·       Research and Technology

·       Decentralized Governance

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1974 and Amendment, 1988

·       Preventing pollution

·       Regulatory authority- enforcing standards- controlling discharges- granting consent

·       Entry and sampling- testing equipment- criminal prosecutions- injunctions

·       1988 amendment- closing plants, withdrawing supply- stricter penalties- citizen suit- Central and State Boards coordination.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act of 1977

·       Generating resources – funding boards, economic incentives- pollution control- cess on discharge- revenue use,

·       Implementing Water Act- central payment, state payment – encouraging investment – 70% rebate, effluent treatment.

The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981 and Amendment, 1987

·       Implementing 1972 Stockholm decisions.

·       Improving air quality, controlling pollution.

·       Expanding Water Act boards’ authority to air pollution.

·       States must establish air boards

·       Industries -consent- State Boards.

·       States set emission standards – central board consultation.

·       Boards granted entry, testing, and sampling powers.

·       1987 amendment: stricter penalties, plant closures, utility cut-offs.

·       Citizen suit provision and noise pollution added.

The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000

·       Objective: Regulate noise levels, maintain air quality standards.

·       Features: Set permissible noise levels (industrial, commercial, residential, silence zones).

·       Central and State Pollution Control Board

Ecosystem Research Programme

·       Ecological approach – human-environment relationship.

·       Develop – scientific basis- rational resource, use & conservation.

·       Scope: Natural resource conservation, rainforests, wetlands, mangroves, coral reefs, biosphere reserves, biodiversity.

Environmental Education, Awareness, and Training

·       Launch: 1983-84 by MoEF&CC.

·       Aim: Develop skills -environmental protection.

National Green Corps

·       Estb: 2001-02.

·       Aim: Environmental awareness among children.

·       Reach: Over 100,000 eco-clubs nationwide.

·       Partnership: Ministries, state agencies, NGOs (environmental education).

National Museum of Natural History

·       Estb: Delhi, 5th June 1978 (World Environment Day).

·       Focus: Environmental education.

·       Target Audience: Primarily school students (include persons with disabilities)

·       Exhibitions, educational programs etc

·       Young Environmentalist of the Year Award (YEYA).


Public Liability Insurance Act, 1981:

·        Immediate relief – accident victims – handling hazardous substances.

·        Mandatory insurance – Environment Relief Fund- compensation.

National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995:

·        Strict liability -damages-hazardous substance accidents.

·        Features: Tribunal – quick case disposal, burden of proof on owners.

National Environment Appellate Authority (NEAA) Act, 1997:

·       Address environmental clearance cases – restricted areas.

·        Features: Authority – hear appeals on Environment Protection Act restrictions.

The Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000:

·       Regulate ozone-depleting substances.

·       Restricts unauthorized sale, purchase, import, export, and use of CFCs and other substances.

Imp Cases related to Environmental Protection Judicial Directions on Environment


Environmental Policy Instruments


Environmental Policy Instruments


Expanding Article 21

·        Right to life includes a healthy environment.

·        Rural Litigation Case: Halted limestone mining – sensitive areas (Article 21).

M.C. Mehta Cases:

·        Oleum Gas Leak: Set guidelines – hazardous industries- expanded Article 21 & 32.

Landmark Cases:

·        Chhetriya Pardushan Case: Recognized quality life- Article 21.

·        Subhash Kumar Case: Right to pollution-free air and water.

·        Absolute Liability: Industries liable for damages from hazardous activities.

·        Polluter Pays Principle: Polluters bear pollution costs (e.g., Bichhri Village case).

·        Precautionary Principle: Applied to prevent degradation (e.g., Taj Mahal protection).

·        Sustainable Development: Balancing development with environmental protection (e.g., T.N. Godavarman case).


Case Studies

Delhi Vehicular Pollution:

·       Phased out old vehicles, introduced CNG, stricter emissions.

Ganga Pollution:

·       Ordered closure of polluting tanneries, prioritized clean water.

Bichhri Village:

·       Industries liable – groundwater pollution, enforced compensation.

Regulatory Instruments

·       Emission Standards

·       Permits

·       Bans and Restrictions

Economic Instruments

·       Carbon Tax

·       Subsidies for Renewable Energy

·       Cap-and-Trade Systems

Voluntary Agreements

·       Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs

·       Industry Codes of Practice

Informational Instruments

·       Environmental Labeling

·       Public Awareness Campaigns

·       Environmental Reporting

International Carbon Tax

·       Variable national commitment

E.g. EU – Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) – COP-27, Implementation 2026

·       Uniform tax rates

·       Resource transfers for equity.

Tradable Quotas

·       Emission quotas

·       Tradable internationally

·       Based – carbon content

·       Time-limited – flexibility.

Tradable Pollution Permits

·       Coexist with domestic schemes

·       Tradable permits.







Theme 1:   Natural resources: Forest resources- Commercialization of forests – Forest Acts vs Forest dwellers/ users

Theme 2:   Water: surface water and groundwater, competing demand for water – drinking, industrial and agriculture

Theme 3:   Land resources: competing uses of land- food, feed, fuel, and fibre

Theme 4:   Mining and Environment; Sustainability of natural resources

 Theme 1: Natural Resources: Forest Resources- Commercialization of Forests – Forest Acts vs Forest dwellers/users

Types of Forests in India Forest Acts vs Forest dwellers/ users Commercialization vs. Conservation Methods of Forest Conservation
1.      Tropical Evergreen: >200 cm rainfall, Western Ghats, NE India, dense, species-rich (rosewood, ebony, mahogany).

2.      Tropical Deciduous: Moist/Dry, 75-200 cm rainfall, timber (teak, sal, sandalwood).

3.      Thorn Forests: <75 cm rainfall, Rajasthan, Gujarat, thorny vegetation (acacia, cacti).

4.      Tidal/Mangrove: Coastal, deltas (Sundarbans), saline-adapted, erosion/cyclone protection.

5.      Montane Forests: Himalayas, altitude-based vegetation, subtropical to alpine.

·       Colonial Policies: Ignored indigenous rights, focused on revenue.

·       Post-Independence Acts: Regulated forest use, often alienated forest dwellers.

Indian Forest Act, 1927

·       Objective: Regulated forest use, categorized forests, restricted access.

·       Impact: Alienated forest dwellers, top-down management approach.

Forest Rights Act (FRA), 2006

·       Objective: Correct historical injustices, recognize STs/OTFDs rights.

·       Rights Under FRA:

o   Title Rights: Ownership of land (up to 4 hectares).

o   Use Rights: Access to minor forest produce, grazing areas.

o   Relief Rights: Rehabilitation, basic amenities.

o   Management Rights: Protect, regenerate community forests.

·       Three-step process – Gram Sabha, Taluka, District Committees.

·       Significance: Expands Constitutional protections, democratizes forest governance.

·       Challenges: Administrative delays, technical issues, misinterpretation.

·       Economic gain – forests vs conservation – forest dwellers’ rights.

Positive Impacts of Commercialization

·       Economic Growth – Boosts development – creates jobs.

·       Infrastructure Development – Funds infrastructure in forest areas.

Negative Impacts of Commercialization

·       Deforestation/Degradation – Loss of biodiversity – soil health.

·       Community Displacement, Disrupts livelihoods, cultural practices.

·       Loss of Ecosystem Services, Threatens carbon sequestration, water regulation.


Forest Conservation Methods

·        Fire Control: GIS, remote sensing, fire lines, chemicals.

·        Afforestation/Reforestation: Restoring ecosystems, enhancing biodiversity.

·        Regulated Logging: Sustainable practices, balancing economic/ecological needs.

·        Community Management: Engaging locals in conservation efforts.

Joint Forest Management (JFM)

·       Sustainable Management

·       Livelihood Improvement

·       Community Empowerment


Forest Products

Major Forest Products

  • Timber: Hardwood (teak, mahogany, sal) for furniture, tools; Softwood (deodar, pine) for construction, paper.
  • Fuelwood: 70% hardwood, 30% softwood used as fuel.
  • Key Producers: J&K (timber), Karnataka (fuelwood).

Minor Forest Products

  • Grasses: Sabai grass for paper, khus for cooling screens, munj for furniture.
  • Bamboo: “Poor man’s timber,” key regions: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala.
  • Cane: Used – ropes, furniture; major producers: Andaman & Nicobar, Karnataka.
  • Tannins: From mangrove, oak; used in leather industry.
  • Dyes: Red sander, khair, palas flowers; 2 lakh tonnes produced annually.
  • Oils Sources: Sandalwood, lemongrass, eucalyptus; used in cosmetics, pharma.
  • Gums: Exported, used in textiles, cosmetics; major producers: MP, Maharashtra.
  • Resins: From Chir Pine, used in varnish, rubber; key regions: Himalayan states.
  • Fibers: Rope making, Ak fibers for fishing nets.
  • Flosses: For stuffing pillows, mattresses.
  • Tendu Leaves: Used in bidi production; major producers: MP, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh.
  • Drugs: Quinine; Spices: Cinnamon, cardamom.
  • Poisons: Strychnine, aconite for medicinal use.
  • Lac: India produces 85% of world’s lac; main producers: Jharkhand, Chhattisgar

Theme 2: Water: surface water and groundwater, competing demand for water – drinking, industrial and agriculture

Distribution of Water Water Resources of India Per Capita availability of Water in India &

Government Measures to conserve water

Water Stress in India: What Causes It?
1.      India’s Water Resources: 4% (global renewable water), 18% (global population).

2.      Annual Precipitation: 4,000 BCM, primary freshwater source.

3.      Natural Freshwater Sources: Surface water, subsurface river flow, groundwater, frozen water.

4.      Artificial Freshwater Sources: Treated wastewater, desalinated seawater.

5.      Global Water Composition: 97% saltwater, 3% freshwater.

6.      Freshwater Breakdown: 2/3rd frozen – glaciers/ice caps, rest (mainly- groundwater).

7.      Availability and Potential

8.      India’s Global Share: 2.45% surface area, 4% water resources.

9.      Rainfall: Primary freshwater source, 2nd highest global rainfall.

10.   Annual Rainfall: Avg – 1,170 mm, 1,720 cubic meters per person.

1. Surface Water Resources

·       Rivers, lakes, ponds, tanks.

·       10,360 rivers and tributaries longer than 1.6 km.

·       Annual Flow: 1,869 cubic km in river basins, but only 690 cubic km (37%) usable.

·       Himalayan Rivers: 90% of annual flow -four-month period, challenging – capture – limited storage sites.

·       Water Flow Factors: Catchment basin size, river basin size, rainfall.

·       Ganga, Brahmaputra, Barak Rivers: Control 60% of surface water, cover less than a third of India’s land.

·       Southern Rivers: Significant flow variability throughout the year.

2. Groundwater Resources

·       432 cubic km- replenishable groundwater.

·       Ganga & Brahmaputra Basins: Contain 46% of total groundwater resources.

·       Utilization- High in northwestern and parts of southern India.

·       Groundwater supports over half of irrigated land, 20 million tube wells.

·       Around 5,000 dams, barrages, and structures built to conserve river water & recharge groundwater.

Parameter Value
Area of the country as % of World Area 2.4%
Population as % of World Population 17.1%
Water as % of World Water 4%
Rank in per capita availability 132
Rank in water quality 122
Average annual rainfall 1160 mm (world average 1110 mm)
Range of distribution 150-11690 mm
Range Rainy days 5-150 days, mostly during 15 days in 100 hrs
Range PET 1500-3500 mm
Per capita water availability (2010) 1588 m³


Government Measures to conserve water

·       Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Campaign for water conservation and security, focusing on water-stressed areas.

·       PMKSY: Har khet ko pani” and “More Crop per Drop” slogans – improving water efficiency in agriculture.

·       National Initiatives: National Water Mission, Ganga Mission, Dam Improvement, Groundwater Management, Flood Control, Biodiversity Conservation, CAMPA.

·       Jal Kranti Abhiyan: Aims – transform water-scarce villages into water-surplus – through conservation.

·       National Water Mission: Focuses – water conservation, reducing waste, and equitable distribution.

·       Atal Bhujal Yojana: Promotes sustainable groundwater management with community involvement.

·       National Rural Drinking Water Program: Expanding rural piped drinking water access, improving service quality.

·       Jal Jeevan Mission: Aims – provide Functional Family Tap Connection (FHTC) – every rural household – 2024.

Best Water Conservation Practices

·       Mukhya Mantri Jal Swavlamban Abhiyan (Rajasthan): – effective water conservation – harvesting in rural areas.

·       Jalyukt-Shivar (Maharashtra): Aims – eliminate water scarcity – 5000 villages/year

·       Mission Kakatiya (Telangana): Focuses – income development – small farmers – irrigation infrastructure improvement and tank restoration.

Water Demand and Challenges

·       High Demand – Households & agriculture – especially -population grows.

·       Agriculture Dominance – less available – industry

·       Urbanization – increases strain on groundwater & surface water resources.

·       Climate Change Impact:

·       Rising Temperatures

·       uneven rainfall distribution.

·       Droughts and Floods

·       Aquifer Depletion

·       Water Pollution – industrial waste, agricultural runoff (pesticides, fertilizers).

·       Urban vs. Rural: Urban areas see advancements in water systems; rural areas remain strained.

Water Safety Concerns

·       Surface Water Pollution: 70% of India’s surface water is polluted.

·       Wastewater Discharge: 2.9 billion gallons of untreated wastewater enter the Ganga daily.

·       Rubbish Management: Inadequate waste management, especially in cities.

·       Municipal Treatment: Only 29% of urban wastewater treated; gap expected to widen.

 Theme 3: Land Resources: Competing uses of Land- Food, Feed, Fuel, and Fibre

Land-Use Categories

(Land Revenue Records)

Land use Changes in India


Land degradation


Measures for Prevention of Land Degradation and Desertification
1.      Forests: Area demarcated – government – forest growth.

2.      Land Put to Non-Agricultural Uses: Includes- settlements (rural/urban), infrastructure (roads, canals), industries.

3.      Barren and Wastelands: Land – cannot be cultivated with available technology (e.g., deserts, barren hills).

4.      Area Under Permanent Pastures and Grazing Lands: Ownership: Mostly village panchayats or government; small portion privately owned.

5.      Common Property Resources:

·       Includes village panchayat-owned land.

6.      Area Under Miscellaneous Tree Crops and Groves (Not Included in Net Sown Area): Includes: Orchards, fruit trees; largely privately owned.

7.      Cultivable Waste-Land:

·       Land left fallow – > 5 years.

·       Can be cultivated after reclamation.

8.      Current Fallow:

·       Land left uncultivated – < 1 agricultural year.

·       Allows land to recover fertility naturally.

9.      Fallow Other than Current Fallow:

·       Cultivable land left uncultivated – >1 but <5.

10.   Net Area Sown: Physical extent of land -crops are sown and harvested.

Key Economic Changes

·       Economic Growth – increases demand for land.

·       Secondary and tertiary sectors grow faster than agriculture, common – developing countries.

·       Continued high demand -agricultural land – despite sector’s declining GDP share.

·       Significant land-use changes over the past decades due to these economic shifts.

Types of Land Degradation

·       Physical Degradation: Erosion, soil organic carbon loss, compaction, waterlogging.

·       Chemical Degradation: Leaching, salinization, fertility depletion, acidification, nutrient imbalances.

·       Biological Degradation: Loss of vegetation, rangeland degradation, loss of biodiversity, reduction in soil organic matter.

·       Causes of Land Degradation and Desertification in India

o   Overgrazing, Deforestation, Poor Forest Management

o   Urban Growth, Industrialization, Mining

o   Natural Causes: Earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, avalanches, landslides, volcanic eruptions, floods, tornadoes, wildfires.

o   Land Shortage, Fragmentation, Poor Economy

o   Population Increase

o   Agricultural Practices

o   Poor Irrigation and Water Management

·       Integrated Land and Water Management: Protect soils – erosion, salinization, and degradation.

·       Vegetative Cover Protection- tool – preventing wind & water erosion.

·       Integrated Land Use – Combine grazing & farming – enhance nutrient cycling.

·       Traditional and Local Practices:

·       Empowering Local Communities: Build capacity -manage dryland resources & prevent desertification.

·       Alternative Livelihoods: Promote non-traditional land uses – dryland aquaculture, greenhouse agriculture, and tourism.

·       Economic Opportunities: Develop – dryland urban centers & areas outside drylands.




Theme 4: Mining and Environment

Environmental Impacts of Mining in India Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in India Life Cycle of a Mining Project Regulatory and Policy Framework in India


Future Directions



·       Water Contamination – Release of pollutants (e.g., acid mine drainage, heavy metals) into water bodies; notable – coal mining regions (Jharia & Raniganj)

·       Rerouting rivers, groundwater pumping disrupts local hydrology – affects ecosystems and communities downstream.

·       High water consumption strains local resources; depletion observed areas – (Bellary, Karnataka).


·       Dust Emissions – toxic metals – coal mining (Jharkhand & Odisha) impacts health & environment.

·       Gaseous Emissions – Smelters and equipment release pollutants (e.g., sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides); Korba industrial area – major contributor.

·       Noise and Vibrations – Mining operations disturb local communities and wildlife.

Social Impacts

·       Displacement – Eg: tribal communities (Chhattisgarh & Jharkhand)

·       Lead to disparities and dependence on mining; Eg: Bellary.

·       Cultural Impacts – Affects indigenous cultural practices tied to the land.


·       Habitat Destruction – concerns raised in Dehing Patkai Elephant Reserve, Assam.

·       Mining- hinder wildlife movement and ecosystem connectivity.

·       Pollution – Contaminants harm water quality and soil, affecting wildlife health.


·       GHG Emissions: CO₂, (particularly – coal sector), contribute – global warming.

·       Deforestation: reduces – carbon sequestration – worsening climate change.

·       Energy Consumption – Mining’s energy-intensive processes increase the industry’s carbon footprint.

·       Purpose – Predict & manage environmental, social, and economic impacts of mining projects in India.

Key Components of an EIA in India

·       Baseline Studies -Collect data on existing environmental conditions -before mining begins.

·       Impact Prediction – on environmental and social factors.

·       Mitigation Measures– adverse impacts.

·       Compliance – Ensures the project meets-environmental regulations and sustainability goals.

·       Public Consultation: Engage – local communities, stakeholders, and public.


1. Exploration:

·       Land disturbance (clearing vegetation), habitat disruption, indirect impacts (settlement, deforestation).

2. Development:

·       Environmental effects from access road construction, extensive land clearing, water and air quality issues from construction activities.

3.  Extraction:

·       Impact – Water contamination, air pollution (dust, emissions), waste management (overburden, tailings).

4. Closure and Reclamation:

·       Restoration (re-vegetation, ecosystem restoration), post-closure monitoring for environmental stability.







National Regulations

·       EIA: Mandatory – assessing mining project impacts.

·       Permitting – relevant authorities.

·       Monitoring – Regular compliance checks and audits.

International Guidelines and Standards

·       International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards: Guidelines for environmental and social sustainability.

·       Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) –Standards for sustainability reporting.

·       Equator Principles: Framework -managing environmental and social risks.

Case Studies

Jharia Coalfields:

Issues: Underground fires, water contamination, severe air pollution.

Kudremukh Iron Ore Mine:

Issues: Environmental impact on Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot.

·       Sustainable Mining Practices

·       Eco-Friendly Extraction

·       Minimize environmental disruption.

·       Waste Reduction

·       Recycling and Re-Use

·       Community Participation

·       Capacity Building: Provide training and resources for community involvement.

·       Benefit Sharing: Ensure economic benefits for local communities.

·       Technological Innovations:

·       Remote Sensing: Use of satellite and drone technology for monitoring.

·       Automation: Increase safety and reduce human impact.

·       Green Technologies: Develop and implement environmentally friendly technologies.


 THEME 5: Mining and Environment

Origin of the Concept of Sustainable Development Human Activities and Environmental Impact Relationship between Population Growth and Resource Availability Sustainable Resource Management

·       Sustainable Development: Meeting present needs, safeguarding future generations’ ability.

·       Sustainable Development Concept: Gained prominence – 1992 UN Earth Summit – Rio de Janeiro.

·       Key Outcomes: World leaders signed – Framework Convention on Climate Change and Biological Diversity.

·       Rio Declaration: Adopted for achieving Sustainable Development in the 21st Century.

·       Human Activities: Overfishing, agriculture, deforestation, and industrialization – cause environmental and social stress.

·       Gandhi’s Principle: “Enoughness” – the Earth provides enough for need, not greed.

·       Land Clearing – Leads to habitat fragmentation and deforestation.

·       Agriculture – Intensive farming degrades soil and pollutes water.

·       Forestry – Unsustainable logging reduces biodiversity and degrades forests.

·       Fisheries – Overfishing – disrupts marine ecosystems.

·       Grazing – Overgrazing – soil erosion & desertification.

·       Water Diversion: Reduces water availability for ecosystems.

·       Mineral Extraction: Causes habitat destruction, pollution, and biodiversity loss.

·       Fuel Consumption: Contributes – air pollution and climate change.

·       Industrialization: Releases pollutants – air, water, and soil.

·       Urbanization: Encroaches on habitats & increases pollution.

·       Recreation: Overuse of natural areas leads to habitat degradation and pollution.

·       Environmental Costs: Habitat fragmentation, soil degradation, pollution, and biodiversity loss.

Key impacts of population growth include:

·       Land Transformation

·       Deforestation

·       Water Depletion

·       Marine Degradation

·       Soil Degradation

·       Biodiversity Loss

·       Climate Change

Common and Private Resources

Common Resources:

·       Freely available – no specific ownership – prone to over-exploitation.

·       Examples: air, water, forests, wildlife, public properties like parks and roads.

Private Resources:

·       Owned by individuals/companies, well-maintained.

·       Examples: industries, agricultural land, homes, offices.

Types of Resources

·       Perpetual Resources: Continuously available- never deplete. Examples: sunlight, wind, flowing water.

·       Renewable Resources: Replenishable if used sustainably. Eg: fresh air, water, soil, forest products.

·       Non-Renewable Resources: Finite, deplete over time. Eg: fossil fuels, metals, sand.

·       Preventing Environmental Degradation

·       Sustainable Use

·       Development of Sustainable Societies

·       Ethical and Moral Responsibility

Development Without Destruction

·       Energy and Resource Saving

·       Waste Minimization

·       Biodegradable and Renewable Products

·       Education and Awareness

Approaching Environmental Problems

·       Local Problems: Address water pollution – waste management- community level.

·       Regional Problems: Tackle air pollution, deforestation, & acid rain – national or regional efforts.

·       Global Issues: Combat climate change & ozone layer depletion through global cooperation and action.

Individual Responsibility

·       Conserve Fossil Fuels: Turn off lights and appliances when not in use, reduce AC, avoid unnecessary use of electrical gadgets.

·       Conserve Water: Use water efficiently, fix leaks, avoid polluting water bodies, harvest rainwater.

·       Save Trees: Reduce paper usage, recycle.

·       Keep Air Clean: Avoid burning waste, maintain vehicles, implement industrial pollution controls.

·       Reduce Garbage: Choose products – less packaging, reuse, recycle, compost kitchen and garden waste.

·       Spread Awareness: Educate others about sustainable practices.


Theme 1: Ecology and Eco-system

Theme 2: Functions of an Ecosystem, Food chains in Eco systems, Typology of eco system

Theme 3: Bio diversity and its conservation, Types of Bio diversity, threat to Bio diversity.

Theme 4: Invasive Alien Species, Threat to Bio diversity, Conservation

 Theme 1: Ecology and Eco-system

Ecology Ecotone Components of Ecosystem
Definition: Study of interactions b/w organisms & environment – focusing – energy flow & nutrient cycling

·       Roots in Natural History – early Indian texts – Vedas and Samhitas reference ecological concepts.

Levels of Organization

·       Individual: Single organism functioning independently.

·        Population: Group of same species – area; growth influenced by birth, death, immigration, and emigration.

·        Community: Interacting populations – different species; named – dominant plant types.

·        Ecosystem: Unit of living beings and environment; interconnected, impacts all parts if one is affected.

·        Biome: Large region – specific climate and life forms; defined by temperature and precipitation.

·        Biosphere: Global ecosystem; integrates air, water, land, with energy from the sun and recycled nutrients.

Definition: Transition zone b/n diverse ecosystems (e.g., mangroves, grasslands).


·       Intermediate conditions; a zone of tension.

·       Gradient in species composition between ecosystems.

·       May contain unique species.

·       Edge Effect: Higher species diversity and density.

·       Edge Species: Abundant species in the ecotone, especially birds.


Definition: Unique role of a species-ecosystem.

·       Essential for survival, health, and reproduction.

·       No two species share the same niche.

·       Key to species conservation.

Types of Niche:

·       Habitat Niche: Where it lives.

·       Food Niche: What it eats, decomposes, and competes with.

·       Reproductive Niche: How and when it reproduces.

·       Physical & Chemical Niche: Environmental factors like temperature and humidity.

Abiotic Components:

Definition: Inorganic and non-living parts of the environment (soil, water, air, light, etc.).

·       Factors: Include chemicals (oxygen, nitrogen) and physical processes (volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, climates).

Key Elements:

·        Energy: Solar energy drives life; plants use it directly, animals indirectly.

·        Rainfall: Essential for biochemical reactions and temperature regulation.

·        Temperature: Influences organism survival; tolerable within certain ranges.

·        Atmosphere: Creates conditions for a healthy biosphere.

·        Substratum: Soil and water habitats for various organisms.

·        Materials: Organic (proteins, carbohydrates) and inorganic (CO2, water) compounds.

·        Latitude and Altitude: Affect climate, which influences biomes and wildlife distribution.

Biotic Components:

Definition: Living organisms (plants, animals, microbes).

·       Categories:

·       Primary Producers (Autotrophs): Green plants, certain bacteria, and algae; synthesize food via photosynthesis.

·       Consumers (Heterotrophs/Phagotrophs): Depend on organic food from plants/animals.

Macro Consumers:

·       Herbivores: Primary consumers feeding on plants (e.g., cow).

·       Secondary Consumers: Feed on primary consumers (e.g., wolves).

·       Tertiary Consumers: Feed on secondary consumers (e.g., lions).

·       Omnivores: Consume both plants and animals (e.g., humans).

Micro Consumers (Saprotrophs/ Decomposers:

·        Bacteria and fungi; decompose dead organic matter, recycling nutrients.

Theme 2: Functions of an Ecosystem, Food chains in Eco systems, Typology of eco system

Functions of an Ecosystem Trophic Level Interaction Pollutants and Trophic Level Biotic Interactions
Energy Flow:

·       Unidirectional flow – producers to top consumers.

·       Energy decreases -each trophic level, limiting trophic levels to 4-6.

Nutrient Cycling (Biogeochemical Cycles):

·       Movement of essential nutrients (e.g., carbon, nitrogen) through the ecosystem.

Ecological Succession:

Gradual ecosystem development, leading to a stable climax community.

·       Food Chain: Linear feeding sequence; starts with producers.

·       Grazing: Plants – herbivores – carnivores.

·       Detritus: Decaying matter to decomposers.

·       Food Web: Interconnected food chains, providing multiple food sources.

Ecological Pyramids

Diagrammatic representation of trophic levels.

·        Pyramid of Numbers: Number of individuals at each level.

·       Upright: More individuals at lower levels (e.g., grassland).

·       Inverted: Fewer large producers, more consumers (e.g., forest).

Pyramid of Biomass: Total dry weight at each level.

·       Upward: Larger biomass at producer level (e.g., terrestrial).

·       Inverted: Smaller biomass at producer level, larger at consumer level (e.g., aquatic).

Pyramid of Energy: Always upright, showing energy loss at each level.

·       Nondegradable Pollutants: Materials – cannot -metabolized- organisms (e.g., chlorinated hydrocarbons).

Key Processes:

·        Bioaccumulation: Pollutants enter & accumulate in organisms at the base of the food chain.

·        Biomagnification: Pollutants concentrate as they move up trophic levels, increasing in toxicity.

Ecological Succession

Succession: Directional change in vegetation over time, leading – stable climax community.

·       Primary Succession: Occurs – new, barren sites; begins – pioneer species – lichens and mosses.

·       Secondary Succession: Occurs – disturbance in an existing community; faster than primary succession.

Types of Succession:

·       Autogenic: Driven by the community itself.

·       Allogenic: Driven by external forces.

·       Autotrophic: Dominated by green plants.

·       Heterotrophic: Dominated by heterotrophs.

1.      Mutualism: Both species benefit (e.g., pollination).

2.      Commensalism: One species benefit, the other is unaffected (e.g., dung beetles and cows).

3.      Competition: Both species are harmed (e.g., species competing for the same food).

4.      Predation and Parasitism: One species benefits, the other is harmed (e.g., predators and prey, parasites and hosts).

5.      Amensalism: One species is harmed, the other is unaffected (e.g., large tree shading a small plant).

·       Neutralism: No net benefit or harm to either species.

 Theme 3: Bio diversity and its conservation, Types of Bio diversity

Bio diversity Measuring Biodiversity Services Provided by Biodiversity Biodiversity Conservation Red Data Book & IUCN Classification
Definition: Variety of life – Earth, (species, genetic variation, ecosystems).

Importance: Vital for ecological balance and human survival.

Types of Biodiversity:

1.      Genetic Diversity: Variation within species; enables adaptation.

2.      Species Diversity: Variety of species on Earth; distinct genetic makeup.

3.      Ecosystem Diversity: Different habitats shaped by climate and geography.

Botanical Garden:

·       A scientifically planned collection – living plants from various regions for study, conservation, and education.


·       Facility for exhibiting captive animals, playing a role in species conservation through captive breeding.

1.      Species Richness: Number of species in an area (Alpha, Beta, Gamma diversity).

2.      Species Evenness: Proportion of species at a site.

Biodiversity in Food Webs:

·        Producers: Plants – energy – photosynthesis.

·        Consumers: Animals & humans rely on plants/animals for food.

·        Food Chains/Webs: Connections b/n producers and consumers.

Indian Biodiversity Landscape

·        Realms: Palearctic, Malayan.

·        Biomes: Tropical forests, deserts, coniferous forests.

·        Biogeographic Zones: 10 zones, including Himalayas, Western Ghats.

·        Biogeographic Provinces: 25 provinces across India.


1.      Ecosystem Services: Water, soil, climate stability, nutrient cycling.

2.      Biological Services: Food, medicine, wood, genetic diversity.

3.      Social Services: Education, recreation, cultural values.

Causes for Biodiversity Loss:

Natural Causes:

·       Floods, earthquakes, landslides, rivalry among species, lack of pollination, and diseases.

Man-Made Causes:

·       Habitat destruction, commercial exploitation, hunting, poaching, pollution, and industrial development.

·        Ex-Situ Conservation: Conserving species outside natural habitats (e.g., zoos, botanical gardens, seed banks).

·        In-Situ Conservation:

Protecting species in their natural habitats (e.g., national parks, sanctuaries).

Constraints in Biodiversity Conservation:

·        Low conservation priority

·        Exploitation for monetary gain

·        Inadequate knowledge

·        Unplanned urbanization & uncontrolled industrialization.

Red Data book: IUCN publication listing threatened species, -classifications from Extinct to Least Concern.

IUCN Classification:

·        Extinct (EX): No known individuals remaining.

·        Extinct in the Wild (EW): Survives only in cultivation or captivity.

·        Critically Endangered (CR): Extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.

·        Endangered (EN): Very high risk of extinction in the wild.

·        Vulnerable (VU): High risk of extinction in the wild.

·        Near Threatened (NT): Close to qualifying for a threatened category.

·        Least Concern (LC): Widespread and abundant species.

·        Data Deficient (DD): Inadequate information to assess risk.

·        Not Evaluated (NE): Species not yet evaluated.

Theme 4: Invasive Alien Species, Threat to Bio diversity, Conservation

Invasive Alien Species Effects of Invasive Alien species Examples in India Threats to Biodiversity
Definition: Non-native species introduced – new areas – without natural predators – uncontrolled population growth.

·       Impact: Major threat – native species and ecosystems – irreversible biodiversity loss.

·       Species Richness: Temporarily increase – results -native species extinction – decrease in biodiversity.

·       Interactions: Compete – native species for resources – leading to native species decline.


  • Ecosystem Vulnerability: Weakened ecosystems, reduced ability to provide essential services.
  • Ecosystem Functioning: Decline in species richness affects stability and functioning.
·       Biodiversity Loss: Decline – native species diversity.

·       Habitat Degradation: Disruption & loss of natural habitats.

·       Agricultural Impact: Reduced crop yields and livestock health – introduced pathogens.

·       Ecosystem Harm: Degradation of freshwater and marine ecosystems.

Prevention & Conservation

·        Consumer Choices: Support sustainable practices, reduce consumption.

·        Government Action: Protect biodiversity, enforce regulations.

·        Public Awareness: Educate on biodiversity importance and threats.


1.      Needle Bush: Trop. South America; dense in dry forests.

2.      Black Wattle: South East Australia; rapid regrowth in Western Ghats.

3.      Water Hyacinth: Trop. America; disrupts aquatic ecosystems.

4.      Lantana camara: Trop. America; invasive in forests and waste lands.

·       Habitat Loss: Driven by land use changes, urbanization, and infrastructure.

·       Over-exploitation: Unsustainable use of natural resources.

·       Alien Species: Non-native species disrupt ecosystems and spread diseases.

·       Pollution: Harm from fertilizers, industrial waste, and plastics.

·       Climate Change: Alters species distribution and disrupts ecosystems.

·       Co-extinctions: Loss of one species leads to others’ extinction.

·       Unsustainable Agriculture: Degrades soil, pollutes water, reduces biodiversity.

·       Population Expansion: Habitat destruction and species fragmentation.


Theme 1:      Environment pollution

Theme 2:      WaterPollution

Theme 3:      Air Pollution

Theme 4:      Soil Pollution

Theme 5:      Noise Pollution

Theme 6:      Radioactive Pollution

Theme 7:      Thermal Pollution

Theme 8:      Plastic Pollution

Theme 9:      Mining Pollution& Biological Pollution

Theme 10:    Solid waste management, types of solid waste, factors affecting solid waste generation, impact of solid waste, recycling and reuse.

 Theme 1: Environment pollution

Pollution Classification of Pollutants Causes of Pollution
According to Form in Environment According to Existence in Nature According to Nature of Disposal According to Origin

·       Excessive addition – physical environment (water, air, land) – unfit for life.


·       Smoke (industries, automobiles)

·       Chemicals (factories),

·       Radioactive substances (nuclear plants)

·       Sewage, discarded household items.

Primary Pollutants:

·       Persist in original form after release (e.g., DDT, plastic).

Secondary Pollutants:

·       Formed by interaction of primary pollutants (e.g., PAN from nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons).


Quantitative Pollutants:

·       Natural but harmful at high concentrations (e.g., CO2, nitrogen oxide).

Qualitative Pollutants:

·       Man-made, not naturally occurring (e.g., fungicides, herbicides, DDT).

Biodegradable Pollutants:

·       Decomposed by microbes (e.g., sewage).

Non-biodegradable Pollutants:

·       Not decomposed by microbes (e.g., plastics, glass, DDT, heavy metal salts).


·       Originates from nature (e.g., volcanic eruptions, forest fires).


·       Caused by human activities (e.g., vehicle emissions, deforestation).

·       Uncontrolled growth in human population

·       Rapid industrialization

·       Urbanization

·       Uncontrolled exploitation of nature.

·       Forest fires, radioactivity, volcanic eruptions, strong winds etc.

 Theme 2: Water Pollution

Water Pollution Sources of Water


Modern Epidemic of Water Pollution Effects of Water Pollution Case Study

Pollution of the Ganges Control Measures

·       Contamination of water bodies (rivers, lakes, oceans) by pollutants from industrial and agricultural sources.

·       Affects all life forms and can have long-term effects on ecosystems.

·       2/3rd of Earth’s surface -covered – water, totalling over 1 octillion liters.

·       Less than 0.3% is accessible for human use

·       Urbanization

·       Deforestation

·       Industrial Effluents

·       Social and Religious Practices

·       Detergents & Fertilizers

·       Agricultural Run-off (insecticides, pesticides)

Toxic Chemicals:

·       Primary cause-including dumped plastics and industrial waste.

Ecosystem Harm:

·       Pollutants enter the food chain, harming humans and wildlife.

Scale of Pollution:

·       6 billion kg of garbage dumped into oceans annually; nuclear waste and oil spills further aggravate the situation.

·       Aquatic Life: Affects metabolism, behaviour, -causes diseases, and death in aquatic organisms; chemicals like dioxin bioaccumulate.

·       Food Chain Disruption: Toxic substances -cadmium and lead enter the food chain, affecting higher organisms.

·       Human Health: Causes diseases – hepatitis, cholera.

Minamata Incident

·       Location: Minamata City, Japan.

·       Pollutant: Methylmercury dumped by a factory.

·       Impact: Bioaccumulation in seafood, causing neurological disorders and deaths in humans and animals.

·       Duration: Effects persisted – 36 years before being recognized & addressed.

·       Status: 6th most polluted river (globally)

·       Causes: Industrial effluents, religious practices, cremations.

·       Impact: Poses health risks (typhoid, cholera) and drives endangered species like the Ganges River shark and dolphin towards extinction.

·       Future Outlook: By 2026, 4 billion people may face water shortages; currently, 1.2 billion lack access to clean water.

·       Sewage Treatment

·       Reuse and Recycling

·       Water Hyacinth: Plant -absorbs toxic chemicals- cadmium.

·       Chemical Methods

·       Reverse osmosis

·       Individual Actions: Reduce, reuse, and recycle to mitigate pollution impacts.

 Theme 3: Air Pollution

Air Pollution Types of Air Pollutants Classification of Pollutants Particulate Pollutants

·       Pollutants, organic molecules, or harmful materials – Earth’s atmosphere.


·       Excessive gases (e.g., carbon dioxide) and vapors that are not removed by natural cycles (carbon, nitrogen).

Primary Pollutants:

·       Directly cause air pollution.

·       Eg: Carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx).

Secondary Pollutants:

·       Formed by the reaction and intermingling of primary pollutants.

·       Eg: ozone (O3) & smog (formed from primary pollutants like NOx and VOCs).

Particulate Pollutants Gaseous Pollutants Other Pollutants
Lead Carbon monoxide (CO) Volatile organic compound
Fly Ash Carbon dioxide (CO2) Benzene
Metallic Oxides Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Ethylene
Nanoparticles  Ozone (O3) Biological pollutants
Nitrogen oxide (NOx) Asbestos
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) Radon

·       Respiratory Damage: Particulate pollutants harm – respiratory system.

·       PM 2.5: Tiny, harmful particles identified by CPCB; detectable only with an electron microscope.

·       Health Risks: Respiratory issues, inflammation, & pneumoconiosis (lung disease from dust).

Particulate Pollutants:

·       Airborne particles suspended in the air, contributing to pollution.


·       Anthropogenic: Vehicles, industries, construction activities.

·       Natural: Pollen, volcanic eruptions, natural gaseous precursors.

·       Size Range: 0.001 to 500 micrometres (µm) in diameter.

Heavy Particulate Matter Suspended Particulate Matter Nanoparticulate Matter
More than 10 µm Less than 10 µm Less than 0.02 µm
Settles down after a point Floats and moves freely- air currents Very light and harmful, Form aerosols
Air Pollutant Description Impacts
Lead ·       Hazardous heavy metal, banned additive. ·       Nervous, digestive, kidney damage, lowers intelligence.
Fly Ash ·       From thermal plants, includes heavy metals. ·       Contaminates crops, used in construction.
Nanoparticles (NP) ·       Tiny particles <100 nm. ·       Ozone depletion, temperature changes.
Carbon monoxide (CO) ·       Toxic gas from incomplete combustion. ·       Poisoning, reduces blood’s oxygen capacity.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) ·       Heavier than air, from volcanoes, fires. ·       Asphyxiant, dizziness, carbonic rain.
CFCs ·       Used in refrigeration, aerosols. ·       Ozone layer destruction.
Ozone (O3) ·       Harmful at ground level, industrial emissions. ·       Toxic effects, eye irritation.
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) ·       From combustion engines, high-temp reactions. ·       Aggravates asthma, forms smog, acid rain.
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) ·       From volcanoes, industrial processes. ·       Respiratory issues, nerve damage.
VOCs ·       Evaporates at room temp, carbon-based. ·       Irritation, long-term organ damage.
Benzene ·       Found in petrochemicals, fuel additive. ·       Cancer risk, bone marrow failure.
Ethylene ·       Used in plastics, chemicals. ·       Headaches, dizziness, carcinogenic.
Asbestos ·       Natural fibrous mineral. ·       Fatal illnesses from prolonged exposure.

 Theme 4: Soil Pollution

Causes of Soil Pollution Prevention of Soil Pollution Effects of Soil Pollution

·       Presence of toxic chemicals in soil – concentrations harmful to humans & ecosystems.

·       Industrial Activity:Extraction & smelting lead – heavy metal contamination (e.g., mercury, lead).

o   Industrial effluents and byproducts – dumped untreated – soil.

·       Agricultural Activity:Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, – soil contamination and bioaccumulation.

·       Overuse of nitrogen fertilizers causes soil acidity; excess irrigation leads to salinization.

·       Waste Disposal:Untreated waste, sewage, and open defecation – soil pollution.

·       Accidental Chemical Spills:Leaks – factories & oil spills contaminate the soil.

·       Acid Rain:Contaminants in rainwater can dissolve soil nutrients and alter its structure.

·       Natural Causes: Environmental factors can naturally create soil pollutants, e.g., perchlorates during thunderstorms.

·       Waste Management: Transport non-recyclable waste to uninhabited areas.

·       Regulation: Enforce strict supervision of industrial activities.

·       Soil Remediation: Clean polluted soil using methods – thermal remediation.

·       Agricultural Practices: Reduce reliance on pesticides and fertilizers, promote organic farming.

·       Soil Quality Monitoring: Regular soil quality checks by agricultural departments.

·       Wildlife Research: Study the impact of soil pollution on wildlife near large-scale agricultural fields.

·       Containment: Cover or pave polluted soil to prevent gas emissions.

·       Afforestation: Plant trees to reduce soil erosion.

On Agriculture:

·       Persistent soil pollutants reduce biodiversity, hinder nitrogen fixation, and cause soil erosion.

·       Fertility decreases, leading to lower crop yields – potential famine.

·       Livestock – suffer – food poisoning, affecting livelihoods.

On Humans:

·       Nitrates in fertilizers – cause methemoglobinemia (affects oxygen-carrying capacity of blood).

·       Lead exposure – damage – Central Nervous System (esp: children).

·       Toxic chemicals – cause cancers, genetic changes, and other health issues.

On Ecosystems:

·       Soil pollution can lead to water and air pollution.

·       Bioaccumulation affects wildlife, and toxins can contaminate underground water sources.

 Theme 5: Noise Pollution

Noise Pollution Causes of Noise Pollution Effects of Noise Pollution Control Measures for Noise Pollution
·       Definition: Disturbing or excessive noise – unpleasant to hear, described as non-harmonious vibrations.

·       Measurement: Sound intensity is measured – decibels (dB).

·        Thresholds:

o   Up to 20 dB: Whisper.

o   Less than 70 dB: Generally safe.

o   Beyond 85 dB: Hazardous if exposed for more than 8 hours.


·       Industrialization: Urban industries – loud machines.

·       Improper Urban Planning: Congested housing, poor infrastructure, and frequent conflicts

·       Social Events: Loud music at weddings, gatherings, and other events creates unwanted noise.

·       Vehicles and Transportation: Traffic jams, trains, aircraft, and the increasing number of vehicles.

·       Construction Sites: Activities like mining, bridge and building construction

1.      Hypertension: Prolonged exposure to loud noise elevates blood pressure

2.      Hearing Disability: Continuous exposure to high decibel levels can damage eardrums, leading to hearing loss.

3.      Sleeping Disorders: Noise pollution can disrupt sleep cycles, leading to disorders, fatigue, and low energy levels.

4.      Cardiovascular Issues: Increased noise levels can elevate blood pressure and lead to cardiovascular diseases.

·       Traffic Management: Divert highway traffic- bypasses and over-bridges, avoiding towns and cities.

·       Sound-Proofing: Install sound-proof chambers for noisy machines.

·       Protective Devices: Provide ear muffs or cotton plugs to workers in noisy environments.

·       Acoustic Zoning: Distance residential areas from industrial zones, airports, and railway stations.

·       Silence Zones: Establish – educational institutions, hospitals, and important offices.

 Theme 6: Radioactive Pollution

Radioactive Pollution Sources of Radioactive Pollution Health Impacts

·       Deposition or presence of radioactive substances in the environment, making habitats unsuitable for human life.

·       Alpha (positively charged), Beta (negatively charged), and Gamma (neutral) emissions.

Prevention and Remedial Measures

·       Monitoring: Regular analysis and monitoring of radioactive pollutants in water supplies.

·       Prevention: Implementing measures to reduce anthropogenic radioactive contamination.

·       Treatment Methods: Techniques like aeration, reverse osmosis, ion exchange, and granular carbon adsorption are effective for treating contaminated water.

Natural Sources:

·       Radiotoxic Elements: Radium from uranium and thorium decay contaminates groundwater.

·       Magma: Releases radioactive gases.

·       Soil Sediments: Percolation of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) contaminates aquifers.

Anthropogenic Sources:

·       Atmospheric Deposition: Cosmogenic radionuclides deposited through natural processes contaminate surface water.

·       Nuclear Reactors and Warheads: Discharge of radionuclides like Cobalt-60 from reactors and warheads into – environment.

·       Dumping of Radioactive Waste: Medical equipment, nuclear weapons, and other radioactive elements cause water pollution when improperly disposed of.

·       Mining: Uranium and thorium mining activities contaminate water sources.

·       Nuclear Accidents: Incidents like Fukushima, Chernobyl, and nuclear submarine accidents release radioactive substances.

Radiation Syndrome:

·       Absorption of radiation through polluted water and food leads to acute radiation syndrome and dermal injuries.

Disorders in Human Physiology:

·       Exposure to radiation causes cancer, leukemia, genetic mutations, and cataracts.

Mutation and Structural Alteration:

·       Genetic mutations – ionizing radiation cause hereditary disorders, leading to severe mental illness and premature death.

 Theme 7: Thermal Pollution

Thermal Pollution Sources of Thermal Pollution Effects of Thermal Pollution Measures to Control Thermal Pollution

·       The rise or fall in temp of natural water bodies – human activities.

·       Causes: Discharge of hot water from industries, power plants, and other human activities like deforestation and urbanization.

Examples of Thermal Pollution

  • Mississippi River: Leading – global thermal pollution, mainly from coal-fired and nuclear power plants.
  • Rhine River (Europe): Impacted by emissions from nuclear power plants.
  • Middle East: Desalination plants contributing to elevated seawater temperatures.
Power Plants:

  • Use of water for cooling in thermoelectric power stations (coal, nuclear, natural gas).
  • Discharge of heated water back into rivers, lakes, or oceans.

Industrial Wastewater:

  • Industries – refineries, mills, and chemical plants releasing hot water after cooling machinery.

Desalination Plants:

  • Discharge of heated, saline wastewater into coastal areas, affecting marine ecosystems.

Urban Runoff:

  • Heat absorbed by runoff from urban surfaces – roads and rooftops, increasing water temperature.
Decrease in Dissolved Oxygen (DO):

  • Warm water – less oxygen, – suffocation of aquatic life – harmful algal blooms.

Increase in Toxins:

  • Hot water discharges -carry heavy metals and other toxic chemicals, causing environmental and health hazards.

Loss of Biodiversity:

  • Temperature changes -kill or drive away species – reducing biodiversity & disrupting ecosystems.

Ecological Impact:

  • Thermal shock – sudden temperature changes – mass mortality of aquatic life and coral bleaching.
1. Cooling Ponds:

o   Utilize ponds – cool heated effluents before discharge.

2.      Cooling Towers:

o   Structures that dissipate waste heat from water, reducing thermal pollution.

3.      Artificial Lakes:

o   Man-made lakes- heated water is released and cooled before reuse.

4.      Spray Ponds:

o   Use of nozzles – spray heated water into the air, cooling it – evaporation and conduction.


 Theme 8: Plastic Pollution

Plastic Pollution Effects of Plastic Pollution Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 Way Forward

·       Accumulation of plastic in the environment causing harm to plants, wildlife, and humans.


·       Overuse of plastic due to low cost, population growth, rapid urbanization, mismanaged disposal, and long decomposition time (up to 600 years).


·       Definition: Plastic particles smaller than 5mm.

·       Impact: Harmful to marine life, found in human food and water, slow to decompose.

·        Human Health:

Microplastics – cause inflammation, oxidative stress, and diseases like cancer.

·        Marine Life:

Ingestion & entanglement of marine species; plastics found in seafood.

·        Food Chain Disruption:

Plastics affect tiny organisms and move up the food chain.

·        Groundwater Pollution: Chemicals from plastic degrade water quality.

·        Land and Air Pollution:

Plastics in landfills and burning plastic release toxic chemicals.

·        Economic Impact:

Costs include cleanup, tourism losses, and impacts on fishing.

Key Measures:

·       Increase plastic bag thickness.

·       Extend rules to rural areas.

·       Implement Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).

·       Promote plastic waste for road construction and energy recovery.

Government Measures

·       India pledges to ban single-use plastics by 2022; bans solid plastic waste imports.

·       Plastic Waste Management: Implementation of rules and EPR.


The 3 R’s + E Strategy

·       Reduce: Minimize plastic use.

·       Reuse: Find new uses for plastic items.

·       Recycle: Process plastic waste into new products.

·       Educate: Raise awareness and promote behavior change.

Legal Approaches

·       Policy and Incentives: Promote alternatives, impose taxes, & offer subsidies.

·       Product Standards and EPR: Educate consumers, maintain producer responsibility for plastic products throughout their life cycle.

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Theme 9: Mining Pollution & Biological Pollution

Mining Pollution – Environmental Effects: Biological Pollution
·       Health Issues: Causes diseases – black lung and cardiopulmonary diseases.

·       Habitat Destruction: Soil erosion, loss of agricultural land, and displacement of wildlife.

·       Water Contamination: Pollutes waterways and groundwater, altering water tables and stream flows.

·       Air and Noise Pollution: Creates dust and noise from machinery and mining activities.

·       Toxic Emissions: Releases harmful elements like arsenic, mercury, and selenium.

·       Invasive Species: Disrupts ecosystems, replacing native species and altering habitats.

·       Health Risks: Introduces pathogens and parasites that affect humans and wildlife.

·       Ecosystem Changes: Affects energy flow and organic material cycling.

 Theme 10:   Solid waste management, types of solid waste, factors affecting solid waste generation, impact of solid waste, recycling and reuse.

Solid Waste Management Solid Waste Management Rules (SWM), 2016 Miscellaneous
·        Definition:  Involves control of waste – its inception through disposal, covering collection, transport, treatment, and disposal.

Waste Types:

·       Construction and demolition waste.

·       Plastic waste (e.g., bottles, polythene bags).

·       Biomedical waste (e.g., anatomical waste, medical equipment).

·       Hazardous waste.

·       E-waste (e.g., electronics like mobile phones, chargers).

Key Features of SWM Rules, 2016:

·       Waste Segregation: Mandatory segregation – biodegradable, dry waste, and domestic hazardous waste.

·       Sanitary Waste Disposal: Producers – provide bags/wrappers for sanitary products – diapers and pads.

·       Collect Back System: Manufacturers – systems to collect back non-biodegradable packaging waste.

·       User Fees and Spot Fines: Introduced for waste collection, processing, and disposal; local bodies – impose fines – non-compliance.

·       Waste Processing: Biodegradable waste – treated on-premises – composting or bio-methanation.

·       Promoting Compost: co-commercialization – chemical fertilizers – city compost.

·       Waste to Energy: Industrial units must use at least 5% RDF from solid waste – 6 months of rule notification.

·       Dump Site Regulations: Specific distance requirements -rivers, ponds, habitations, and airports.

·       Hilly Area Management: Sanitary sites – hilly areas – established within 25 km in plain areas.

·       Central Monitoring Committee: Chaired – Secretary, MoEF&CC, to oversee enforcement; meets annually.

Involvement of Informal Sector:

·       Integration of waste pickers & dealers into the formal system is encouraged.

Citizen Responsibility:

·       Prohibits dumping or burning waste in public spaces; emphasizes collaboration in Swachh Bharat initiatives.

Developers’ Obligations:

·       SEZs, industrial estates, and parks must allocate 5% of the area for waste recovery and recycling facilities.


·       Focus on centralized treatment like waste-to-energy rather than decentralized management.

·       Insufficient support for the informal sector.

·       Lack of clarity on monitoring and fees for plastic manufacturers.

·       Need for behavioural change and stronger enforcement of standards.

 E-Waste Sources

  Particulars Sources Health Effects
·        E-Waste: outdated, end-of-life, or discarded electronic appliances, including all parts, consumables, and spares. Lead Monitors, solder components, PCBs Affects nervous systems, kidneys, reproductive system; impedes brain development
E-Waste Impacts

On Environment:

·        Environmental Interface: through manufacturing, reprocessing, and disposal, leading to air, water, and soil contamination.

·        Air Pollution: Burning wires/cables releases brominated and chlorinated dioxins, polluting the air.

·        Waste Discharge: Toxic substances – recycling – discarded improperly, contaminating groundwater and soil.

·        Dust Pollution: Dismantling releases dust – heavy metals and flame retardants,

·        Soil Contamination: Hazardous compounds -lead, mercury, and cadmium in landfills lead to soil pollution.

On Human Health:

  • Health Risks: inhalation risks, and direct contact with toxins.
  • Lack of Protection:
  • Toxic Exposure: Burning circuit boards and wires increases dioxin levels, raising cancer risks; exposure to lead cadmium harms neurological systems, kidneys, and bones, especially in children.

E-Waste in India:

  • Rising E-Waste: India generated – 10 lakh tonnes of e-waste in 2019-20, – major contributions – cities like Mumbai and Delhi-NCR.
  • Informal Sector Dominance: 95% of e-waste in India – recycled informally, – harmful practices – burning or acid dissolution.Bottom of Form
Cadmium SMD chip resistors, older CRTs Toxic accumulation in kidneys
Mercury Electronics, thermometers, batteries, flat panel displays Damages brain, kidneys, foetal development; bioaccumulates in fish
Hexavalent Chromium/Cr VI Steel protection, PVC components Destroys DNA, environmental hazard
Barium CRTs Causes brain swelling, muscle weakness, organ damage
Beryllium Motherboards, connectors Causes lung cancer, skin conditions, chronic disease
Toners Printer cartridges Respiratory irritation, potential carcinogen
Phosphor and Additives CRT coatings Highly dangerous, especially in CRT deconstruction


E-Waste Management
Rules, 2016
Bio-Medical Waste Management
Rules, 2016
Hazardous Waste Management
Rules, 2016
·       Replaced 2011 rules; – 21 products, – CFLs and mercury equipment.

·       Introduced Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and Deposit Refund Scheme.

·       Producers can – Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs).

·       State governments responsible – worker safety and skill development.

·       Urban Local Bodies handle orphan e-waste.

·       Replaced 1998 rules; improved waste collection, segregation, and disposal.

·       Enforced – State Pollution Control Boards (SPCB) and Pollution Control Committees (PCC).

·       Focus on 3Rs (reduce, recycle, reuse) and source waste management.

·       Phased out chlorinated plastic bags, gloves, and blood bags.

·       Stricter incineration standards and waste segregation into four categories.

·       Promotes recycling and reuse; minimizes hazardous waste.

·       Regulated by MoEF&CC, CPCB, SPCBs, and PCCs.

·       Established SOPs for hazardous waste handling and disposal.

·       Streamlined approval for disposal and import/export.

·       Co-processing for energy recovery prioritized over disposal.


Theme 1:        Climate Change & Global Warming

Theme 2:        Ocean Acidification

Theme 3:        Ozone Depletion

Theme 4:        India and Climate Change

Theme 5:        Sustainable Development

Theme 6:        Miscellaneous


Theme 1: Climate Change

Climate Change Global Warming Global Warming

Potential (GWP)

·       Climate Definition: Long-term avg – region’s weather; Earth’s climate – naturally changed over billions of years.

·       Climate Change: Refers to -changes – long-term weather patterns, largely – human activities altering the global atmosphere.

·       Impact: Measured by shifts in temperature, rainfall, snow, and wind patterns lasting decades or more.

·       Definition: Average increase – Earth’s surface temperature, primarily – human-induced greenhouse gas emissions.

·       Recent Trends: Rapid warming – last century, esp- the past two decades; 2016 – hottest year on record.

·       Impacts: Rising sea levels – Altered rainfall patterns – Extreme weather events – melting ice caps – habitat loss – spread of diseases, coral bleaching, & loss of marine life like plankton.

Greenhouse Effect

·       Natural Phenomenon: Greenhouse gases trap heat in Earth’s lower atmosphere, making it habitable.

·       Human Impact: Increased greenhouse gas emissions upset the natural balance, leading to additional warming.

·       Major Gases: CO2 (largest contributor), methane, nitrous oxide, CFCs, and others with high global warming potential (GWP).

Human-Generated Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols

·       Greenhouse Gases: Positive climate forcing; CO2 – largest contributor.

·       Aerosols: Negative forcing; cool the atmosphere – reflecting sunlight but also impact cloud formation.

·       Definition: Measure of a gas’s impact – warming relative to CO2 over 100 years.

·       Examples: Methane (21 times CO2), Nitrous Oxide (310 times CO2), CFCs, HFCs, HCFCs (high-GWP gases).

Receding Glaciers

·       Glacier Loss: Significant retreat of glaciers globally, including in Glacier National Park, the Himalayas, and the Alps.

·       Impact: Threatens water supplies in dry regions (e.g., Mongolia, Pakistan) and poses a risk to global ecosystems and economies.

·       Prediction: Glaciers may disappear by 2030, with severe consequences for low-lying countries and poor populations.

 Theme 2: Ocean Acidification

Ocean Acidification Causes Mitigation
·        Definition: increasing acidity of oceans – excess CO2 absorption – called “climate change’s evil twin.”

·        CO2 Absorption: Oceans absorb – 25% of CO2 emissions; since the industrial era, oceans – absorbed 525 billion tonnes of CO2, increasing acidity by 30%.

·        pH Change: Ocean pH – dropped from 8.2 to 8.1, a 30% increase in acidity; could drop to 7.8 by 2100, making the ocean 150% more acidic.


·        Increased CO2: From burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and waste disposal, leading to higher ocean acidity.

·        Buffering Failure: Natural ocean buffering can’t keep up with rapid CO2 absorption, leading to faster pH drops.

·        Industrialization: Emissions from industries and improper land management contribute to acidification.

Chemical Reactions

·        CO2 Dissolution: CO2 reacts with seawater to form carbonic acid, bicarbonate, and carbonate ions, lowering pH.

·        Calcification Impact: Reduced carbonate ions make it harder for marine organisms to build shells and skeletons.


·        Marine Life: Difficulty in shell formation for corals, mollusks, and other calcifying organisms; potential collapse of marine ecosystems.

·        Economic Impact: Threat to fisheries and aquaculture, particularly shellfish industries.

·        CO2 Reduction: Limiting CO2 emissions – primary solution to mitigate ocean acidification.

·        Land Management: Improved land use can help sequester CO2, reducing atmospheric levels.

·        Local Adaptations: Monitoring seawater pH near aquaculture sites -adapt and mitigate local acidification effects.

Saturation Horizons

·        Depth of Dissolution: Ocean acidification raises the saturation horizon, exposing more calcifying organisms to undersaturated water, making their shells vulnerable to dissolution.

Long-term Impact

·        Carbon Cycle: Human CO2 emissions – disrupt -natural balance, – long-term shift in ocean chemistry and carbonate compensation depth (CCD), – affects carbon storage in the ocean.

Theme 3: Ozone Depletion

Ozone Depletion Causes and Sources Environmental Effects Measurement and Initiatives Impact of Climate Change on Ozone Depletion

Gradual thinning – ozone layer caused – human-made chemicals, (chlorine and bromine-containing compounds)

·        Ozone-Depleting Substances: Includes CFCs, carbon tetrachloride, HCFCs, methyl chloroform (chlorine-based), and halons, methyl bromide, HBFCs (bromine-based).

·        Montreal Protocol (1987): International agreement-phase out ozone-depleting substances.

·        CFCs: Used – refrigerants, aerosol propellants, foams, etc.; stable in the atmosphere & difficult to remove.

·        Nitrogen Oxides: Produced – nuclear explosions, industrial emissions, and fertilizers; destroy ozone.

·        Bromine Compounds: More destructive than chlorine, used in fire extinguishers and pesticides.

·        Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs): Facilitate ozone depletion – converting stable chlorine into reactive radicals in cold regions.

Ozone Depletion in Polar Regions

·        Antarctica: Colder stratosphere allows PSCs to form, leading to significant ozone depletion, (esp. winter and spring).

·        Arctic: Increasingly affected by ozone depletion, with record losses linked to cooling of the stratosphere.

·        Human and Animal Health: Increased UV radiation – higher risks of skin cancer, cataracts, & immune system suppression.

·        Terrestrial Plants: UV-B radiation affects plant growth, form, and development.

·        Aquatic Ecosystems: UV-B damages phytoplankton, fish larvae, and other marine life.

·        Biogeochemical Cycles: Alters greenhouse gas dynamics and trace gas composition.

·        Air Quality: Increased UV-B enhances ground-level ozone and related pollutants.

·        Materials: Accelerates degradation of plastics, rubber, and other materials.

·        Ozone Measurement: Instruments like the Dobson spectrophotometer and satellites measure ozone levels.

·        Vienna Convention (1985): Framework for international cooperation on ozone protection.

·        Montreal Protocol: Key treaty for phasing out ozone-depleting substances.

·        Kigali Amendment (2016): Focus on phasing down HFCs, furthering ozone protection efforts.


·        Concept: Theoretical approaches – cooling the Earth – injecting aerosols – stratosphere or seeding oceans with iron.

·        Plans: Ideas – artificial trees, space mirrors, and sulphur injection to mimic volcanic cooling effects.

·        Drawbacks: High costs, potential environmental risks, and ethical concerns about treating symptoms rather than causes.

·        Higher Temperatures: Influence ozone dynamics, especially in polar regions.

·        Severe Storms and Drought: Climate change impacts atmospheric conditions, contributing to ozone depletion.

·        Ocean Warming and Acidification: Affect chemical interactions and ozone-depleting processes.

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

·        Carbon Sequestration: Technologies – CCS capture and store CO2 to reduce atmospheric levels.

·        Carbon Sinks: Oceans, forests, and soil act as natural carbon sinks; afforestation and reforestation enhance sequestration.

·        Carbon Credits and Offsetting: Trading systems incentivize emission reductions and support sustainable projects.

·        Carbon Tax: An alternative to cap-and-trade, taxing carbon emissions to reduce fossil fuel use.

 Theme 4: India and Climate Change

India and Climate Change India’s Climate Commitments and Actions Observed Climate Changes in India


Current Adaptation and Mitigation Efforts
·        UN and Climate Change:

India questions – UN’s move to declare climate change a security issue, warning it could undermine the Paris Agreement and multilateral efforts.

·        Climate Change Impact on India:

·       Vulnerability: South Asia, (including India), is highly vulnerable – diverse terrain, rapid urbanization, & resource exploitation.

·       Challenges: Environmental degradation, pollution, and socio-economic issues like poverty and food security are exacerbated by climate change.

·       Natural Disasters: Increased frequency and severity of natural disasters threaten India’s economy, health, and livelihoods.

·       Monsoon Variability: Unpredictable monsoons could lead to floods and droughts, affecting agriculture and water resources.

·        Emissions: India – 3rd largest emitter of GHGs globally.

·        Targets:

·       Reduce emissions intensity by 33-35% by 2030 (from 2005 levels).

·       Increase tree cover to create a carbon sink of 2,500-3,000 Mt CO2 by 2030.

·       Install 5GW of offshore wind by 2022 and 30GW by 2030.

·       Generate 10GW of bioenergy and 5GW of small hydro plants by 2022.

·        Focus on Adaptation:

India prioritizes adaptation with significant emphasis on mitigation, including the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC).


·        Surface Temperature: Increased by 0.4°C over the last century – warming – central and northeastern regions.

·        Rainfall: Regional variations -monsoon rainfall; increasing-some areas, decreasing in others.

·        Extreme Weather: More frequent severe storms, increasing drought periods, & rising sea levels.

·        Himalayan Glaciers: Melting glaciers could reduce long-term water flows, affecting agriculture and hydropower.

India’s International Commitments

·        INDCs: India targets a 33-35% reduction in GDP emissions intensity, contributing to global efforts under the Paris Agreement.

·        Indian Network on Climate Change Assessment (INCCA):

Aims – enhance science-based policymaking – assess climate impacts – suggest adaptation and mitigation measures.Top of FormBottom of Form

·        Agriculture: Crop Insurance Scheme & Credit Support Mechanism – manage climate risks; focus -drought-proofing & pest management.

·        Forestry: Afforestation accelerated – the Forest Conservation Act of 1980.

·        Water Management: Emphasis – non-traditional water use methods – interbasin transfers & rainwater harvesting.

·        Coastal Protection: Restrictions on coastal development, construction of cyclone shelters, & mangrove plantations.

·        Health: Monitoring & control of vector-borne diseases, emergency medical relief, & disaster management programs.

·        National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC): Comprising missions on solar energy, energy efficiency, sustainable agriculture, & more.

 Theme 5: Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Key Components Challenges to Sustainable Development Sustainable Development in India:

·        Defined – 1987 Brundtland Report: “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”


1.     Intergenerational Equity: Ensure future generations – meet -needs.

2.     Intragenerational Equity: Address disparities within – current generation.

3.     Integration of Environmental, Social, and Economic Goals: Recognize the interconnectedness of these areas.

4.     Precautionary Principle: Prevent environmental degradation -without full scientific certainty.

5.     Public Participation: Involve all stakeholders, especially marginalized communities, in decision-making.

Role of Individuals:

·       Sustainable Lifestyle Choices: Reduce waste, conserve resources, and use sustainable products.

·       Education and Awareness: Drive collective action through education.

·       Community Involvement: Participate in local sustainability initiatives.

·       Advocacy and Activism: Support policies and practices that promote sustainability.

Economic Development:

·       Inclusive Growth: Fair distribution of economic benefits.

·       Job Creation: Sustainable employment opportunities.

·       Innovation and Infrastructure: Investment in sustainable technologies.

·       Responsible Consumption and Production: Sustainable practices by businesses and consumers.

Social Development:

·       Eradicating Poverty: Address root causes and provide support.

·       Quality Education: Access to education for all.

·       Healthcare: Comprehensive health services.

·       Gender Equality: Empower women & girls.

·       Social Inclusion: Ensure everyone – participate fully in society.

Environmental Protection:

·       Climate Action: Mitigate and adapt to climate change.

·       Biodiversity Conservation: Protect ecosystems.

·       Sustainable Resource Management: Efficient use of natural resources.

·       Pollution Control: Reduce environmental and health impacts.

·       Poverty and Inequality: Requires strategies to tackle disparities & provide opportunities.

·       Climate Change: A major threat that impacts ecosystems, economies, and communities.

·       Resource Depletion: Overexploitation threatens future sustainability.

·       Urbanization: Needs sustainable planning to manage growth and infrastructure.

·       Environmental Degradation: Must protect and restore natural environments.

Global Initiatives:

·        UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 17 goals and 169 targets to address global challenges by 2030.

·        Paris Agreement: International accord -limit global warming – below 2°C.

·        Green Economy Initiatives: Focus on sustainable economic growth through green technologies.

·        Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Businesses integrating social and environmental concerns into their operations.

National Policies and Programs:

·       National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC): 8 missions – promote sustainable development.

·       Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Nationwide cleanliness campaign.

·       Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY): Provides clean cooking fuel to poor households.

·       Smart Cities Mission: Develops sustainable and citizen-friendly cities.

·       Renewable Energy: Significant strides in solar and wind power, aiming for 100 GW solar capacity by 2022.

·       Sustainable Agriculture: Promoting organic farming and conservation practices.

·       Forest and Wildlife Conservation: Afforestation programs and protected areas.

·       Water Management: Initiatives like the National Water Mission to improve water efficiency.

Theme 6: Miscellaneous

National Communication (NATCOM) India’s Policy Structure for GHG Mitigation


Key Mitigation Initiatives


Renewable Energy and Efficiency Programs


·        Launched: 2002, under – UNFCCC, funded by Global Environment Facility & UNDP.

·        Purpose: Comprehensive assessment of greenhouse gas inventories, vulnerability, & adaptation strategies.

·        Approach: Involves research institutions, universities, government, NGOs, and private organizations.

·        Execution: Managed by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF).


·        Ambitious Targets: Aims – GHG reductions by 2030 & carbon neutrality by 2070.

·        Challenges: Requires substantial financial investment, technology access, and economic restructuring.

·        Current Status: India – 3rdlargest global carbon emitter but – low per capita emissions.

Financial and Market-Based Initiatives

·       BSE-GREENEX: A benchmark index by the Bombay Stock Exchange – evaluating – carbon performance of stocks.

·       FAME-India Programme: Launched – 2015 – promote electric & hybrid vehicles, – a 30% subsidy to buyers.

·        Energy Labeling (2006): Star-based labeling – appliances (refrigerators & air conditioners).

·        Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC): Establishes minimum energy standards – new commercial buildings.

·        Mandatory Energy Audits: Large industrial consumers must undergo energy audits and employ certified energy managers.

·        Mass Transport: Expansion – Metro systems and implementation of congestion taxes to reduce private vehicle use.

·        Clean Air Initiatives: Introduction of CNG, retirement of old vehicles, & subsidies for electric vehicles.

Ecological and Adaptation Initiatives

·        Long-Term Ecological Observatories (LTEO): Multi-institutional effort – understand the impact of climate change on India’s ecosystems.

·        National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change (NAFCC): Estb – 2015-16 – fund adaptation projects in various sectors like agriculture, water, and forestry, managed by NABARD.Top of FormBottom of Form

·        Bachat Lamp Yojana: Exchange of incandescent lamps for Energy Efficient Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) through Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

·        Promotion of Biofuels: Mandates – ethanol blending & biodiesel purchase by the petroleum industry.

·        Indian Solar Loan Programme (2003): UNEP initiative to finance solar home systems in rural India.

Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)

·        Launched: 2011 – ICAR.

·        Objective: Enhance the resilience of Indian agriculture to climate change through research and new technologies.

·        Focus Areas: Crops, livestock, fisheries, and natural resource management.







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